The Art of Charles Frizzell

Crystaline Medicine
Breeze by Xavier Rudd for your listening pleasure as you scroll through these images:

Merging Wisdom
Shaman's Last Journey
Horse Medicine

Moon Goddess

Night Messenger



Prayer for the Sea 2
Snow Magic

The Voice of the Four Winds

Shield of the Red-Tailed Hawk
The Spirit Shadows Dancing
The Conductor

The Voices of Spring

The Fountain of Knowledge

Sisters of the Moon
Thank you Wisdom Keeper!
This page is dedicated to all of my Butterfly Goddess Lodge Sisters, Teachers,
Jamie Sams, 
Rick and Kathy Daugherty, shamans and all people working for the light
 and all the Ancestors whose steps we follow in
The Shaman and His Apprentice
Ancient Shadows

Becoming Raven

Ancient Buddha

Wings of a Dream
Dream Flight
The Flight Through Time

Shaman's Journey
The Healer

Thunder Dance

The Universe ?

Vision Quest

The Summoning

The Portal

The Eldest of Elders

Fireside Memories

All pictures posted with the utmost respect and admiration and all credit to Charles Frizzell


  1. Thank you for this beautiful wonderful site. Many blessings and much love and light to you and your healing work. A'ho

  2. Thank you and bless you Athena for curating these beautiful images.
    With gratitude, with appreciation, with love,
    Bodhi 💗✨🕊️🌍


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